Command Line Interface

New in version 0.1.0.

The primary method of running sdep is through the command line interface. We use click to easily create a command line interface. It is through the command line interface that we perform all of the actions included in sdep.

Basic Usage

After installing sdep, you will find a sdep script installed. This script contains the create and update commands necessary to deploy a static website from scratch and then update its contents repeatedly.

We run create and update as follows:

sdep (create|update) [--config CONFIG]


The create command should only be run once for each static website. It does the initial provisioning and configuration of S3 and any other one time tasks.


The update command is run each time the static site changes and needs to be reployed. It updates any changed static files on Amazon S3, as well as performing any other deployment updates.


The majority of sdep commands require the specification of configuration options. There are two options for specifying this configuration: environment variables and configuration files.

When we specify variables as environment variables we use all uppercase snake case (i.e. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) and when we specify variables in our configuration file, we use regular snake case (i.e. aws_access_key_id). Furthermore, certain configuration fields are required, while other configuration fields are optional. If a configuration field is required, there is no default value, as sdep will terminate if it is not specified. If a configuration field is optional, a default value is specified. The following options can be set in configuration files:


  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The access key id for one’s Amazon Web Services account.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret key for one’s AWS account.
  • SITE_DIR: The root directory of the static site.
  • DOMAIN: The domain name.


  • INDEX_SUFFIX: When hosting with Amazon S3, it is necessary to specify an index suffix, which is appended to all urls ending in /. The default value is index.html.
  • ERROR_KEY: The S3 key of the file Amazon should serve in case of error (i.e. incorrect url). The default value is 404.html.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are a particularly useful configuration option when using sdep on a service such as travis-ci for which we do not desire to have files containing secrets checked into version control.

An example of running update using environment variables for configuration is the following:

export; sdep update

Configuration File

It is additionally possible to specify a .sdeprc file containing configuration values. A .sdeprc file is just a simple JSON file, as con be seen below:

  "aws_access_key_id": "MY_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
  "aws_secret_access_key": "MY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
  "site_dir": "./static",
  "domain": ""

There are three possible ways to specify the location of a .sdeprc. In order of presidence, they are command line flag, specific file in current directory, and universal file in home directory. Specifying the configuration file through the command line flag utilizes the --config flag, as can be seen below:

sdep update --config ./config/.sdeprc

If the --config file is not set, sdep will first search for a .sdeprc file in the directory from which we are running the sdep command. If no such file exists, then we will search for a .sdeprc file in the user’s home directory. If no such file exists, sdep will terminate.